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Re: Fifteenth Judicial Circuit – Circuit Court Vacancies

Dear Governor DeSantis:

The Judicial Nominating Commission for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit takes pleasure in
certifying to you the following nominees to fill the Circuit Court vacancies in Palm Beach
County that was the subject of your Letters to Convene dated June 3, 2019 and July 16, 2019:

1. Melanie L. Casper;
2. Adrienne A. Ellis;
3. Renatha Francis
4. Paige Hardy Gillman;
5. Bradley G. Harper
6. Mark Miller
7. Michael J. Rachel
8. Caroline Cahill Shepherd
9. Sarah Levien Shullman
10. Alcolya J.L. St. Juste
11. Maxine A.M. Williams

The original applications of the foregoing nominees, together with letters of recommendation and FDLE background results received by the Commission, will be forwarded
to the attention of Erin Kraeft.