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Petition for Reinstatement by Charles William Cherry, II
Case No. SC19-1527
TFB File No. 2020-50,201 (07A) CRE

Pursuant to R. Regulation Fla. Bar 3-7.10, Mr. Cherry has petitioned the Supreme Court of Florida for reinstatement to The Florida Bar. A copy of that petition is enclosed.

Mr. Cherry was suspended from practice of law for three years, effective January 29, 2015. In 2010, after a civil trial, a jury returned a verdict against Mr. Cherry, his brother and a company that they created, Group Assets, LLC. The jury found that Mr. Cherry, as general counsel and a board member of Tama Broadcasting, Inc., failed to inform Tama Broadcasting, Inc., and its board of directors, about the transfer of property from Tama Broadcasting, Inc. to Group Assets, LLC. In addition, the jury found that respondent breached his fiduciary duty as a board member and legal counsel to Tama Broadcasting, Inc., violated The Florida Bar’s Rules of Professional Conduct and committed professional negligence, causing damages of $667,000.00 to Tama Broadcasting, Inc.

If anyone has any knowledge bearing upon Mr. Cherry’s fitness or qualifications to resume the practice of law to contact Karen Bankowitz at [email protected] within thirty (30) days of this publication.