With coronavirus COVID-19 dominating the world news, please know that my focus is on your safety and the safety of my employees. We plan for emergencies such as this, balancing safety with continuing to provide services to our community.
Many of the services we provide in our offices are also available online. Visit www.mypalmbeachclerk.com to learn how you can:
- Pay a traffic ticket online or by phone;
- Electronically record mortgages, deeds and other official records;
- File court documents electronically;
- Pay child support electronically; and,
- Postpone your jury service.
As this situation continues to evolve, my leadership team and I are working diligently with our Palm Beach County government and justice partners on our response to coronavirus. Should coronavirus require any changes to our daily operations, we will share news on our website at www.mypalmbeachclerk.com, through our Facebook and Twitter channels, and by email alert.
Stay safe! We are here, working hard to ensure you continue to receive the exceptional service you have come to expect.
Warm regards,
Sharon R. Bock
Clerk & Comptroller, Palm Beach County